MFM Pray Your Way Into 2024 – Monday 25 December 2023

Dr D.K Olukoya

Pray Your Way Into 2024 By Pastor D.K Olukoya – Day 2

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International Headquarters, Lagos, Nigeria.

TOPIC: My Haman Must Die In My Place


CONFESSION: PSALM 27:1-2; The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? 2 When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.

DAY 2: (Monday, December 25, 2023)

Break By 3pm {Local Time}


1.⁠ ⁠Tell Out, My Soul, The Greatness Of The Lord!

Unnumbered Blessings, Give My Spirit Voice;

Tender To Me The Promise Of His Word;

In God My Saviour Shall My Heart Rejoice.

2.⁠ ⁠Tell Out, My Soul, The Greatness Of His Name!

Make Known His Might, The Deeds His Arm Has Done;

His Mercy Sure, From Age To Age The Same,

His Holy Name The Lord, The Mighty One.

3.⁠ ⁠Tell Out, My Soul, The Greatness Of His Might!

Pow’rs And Dominion Lay Their Glory By

Proud Hearts And Stubborn Wills Are Put To Flight,

The Hungry Fed, The Humble Lifted High.

4.⁠ ⁠Tell Out, My Soul, The Glories Of His Word!

Firm Is His Promise, And His Mercy Sure.

Tell Out, My Soul, The Greatness Of The Lord,

To Children’s Children And For Evermore!



1.⁠ ⁠Thank God For Making Your Haman Die Instead Of You, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.

2.⁠ ⁠Thank God For The Eyes That Do Not Sleep Nor Slumber That Watch Over You Day And Night, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.

3.⁠ ⁠I Move From The Territory Of Disgrace Into The Arena Of Elevation, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.

4.⁠ ⁠I Swim From The River Of Pain Into The River Of Gain, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.

5.⁠ ⁠I Fly From The Sky Of Rejection To The Firmament Of Dominion, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.

6.⁠ ⁠I Move Away From The Bus Stop Of Stagnancy To Accelerated Breakthroughs, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.

7.⁠ ⁠Every Limitation Imposed By Darkness Upon My Breakthroughs, Break, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.

8.⁠ ⁠Every Power Dispatched From Hell To Frustrate Me, Scatter, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.

9.⁠ ⁠Fire Of God, Arise, Swallow Every Darkness In My Life, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.

10.⁠ ⁠Every Plantation Of Darkness In My Life, Die, By The Power In The Blood Of Jesus, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.

11.⁠ ⁠Every Poison In My Body, Die, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.

12.⁠ ⁠Every Negative Atmosphere Around Me, Scatter, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.

13.⁠ ⁠Any Rope Tying Me Down To The Same Spot, Break, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.

14.⁠ ⁠Every Witchcraft War From My Foundation, Die, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.


1.⁠ ⁠I Trust In The Lord, And I Am Not Leaning On My Understanding. I Fill My Heart With The Words Of Faith, I Receive And Speak The Words Of Faith, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.

2.⁠ ⁠The Young Lions Lack And Suffer Hunger, But I Who Seek The Lord God Almighty Shall Not Lack Any Good Thing, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.

3.⁠ ⁠God Is My Strong Rock And My House Of Defence, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.

4.⁠ ⁠In The Name Of Jesus Christ, I Hand Over All My Battles To The Lord Jesus Christ; The Lord Fights For Me, And I Hold My Peace, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.

5.⁠ ⁠The Lord Has Bowed Down His Righteous Ears To Deliver Me Speedily, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.

6.⁠ ⁠I Shall Eat The Riches Of The Gentiles, And In Their Glory I Shall Boast Myself, And All Shall See And Acknowledge That I Am The Seed That The Lord Has Blessed, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.

7.⁠ ⁠I Shall No Longer Be Disappointed Or Fail At The Edge Of My Desired Miracles, Success And Victory, In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.

PRAY YOUR WAY INTO 2024 is a publication by Dr. D.K Olukoya (General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries Worldwide)

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