8 Prayer Points For Healing And Deliverance From Sicknesses

 OPEN HEAVEN DECEMBER 2023, PRAYER POINTS, DAILY DECLARATIONS PASTOR E. A ADEBOYE >> Prayer Points And Daily Declarations >> prayer >> 8 Prayer Points For Healing And Deliverance From Sicknesses

8 Prayer Points For Healing And Deliverance From Sicknesses

8 Prayer Points For Healing And Deliverance From Sicknesses


John 8:32 says, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free”.

Today,  we would be praying against diseases and sicknesses that are designed by Satan to keep men down.

Lord Jesus, please have mercy on us. Do not look at our iniquities but have mercy on us O God Almighty

Lord Jesus, thank You for preserving me and my household.

Thank You for everything you are doing in my life and household

Abba Father, I ask for good health over my life, over my family, over my loves once in Jesus’ name.


Open Heaven 1 January 2024

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Matthew 7:7, says  “ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be open unto you”

Lord Jesus, I ask for divine health today, in Jesus’ name

Lord Jesus, I ask for healing against any sickness or any disease in my body right now, in Jesus’ name

Isaiah 43:19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.


8 Prayer Points For Healing And Deliverance From Sicknesses

1. Father, blessed shall I be in the Country, Blessed shall I be in the City, Blessed shall I be in the fruit of my labor in Jesus’ name

2. Father, Daniel remained relevant during the reign of many kings. In my lifetime, the Lord will cause me to be relevant, in Jesus’ name

3. Father, whatever I start in 2024 will experience God’s hand of mercy for supernatural enlargement, in the mighty name of Jesus

4. Father, in these perilous times, please hide me under the shadow of You wings, in the mighty name of Jesus

5. Almighty God, please solidify my slippery path and guide my steps, in Jesus’ name

6. Father, from today and beyond, please make my life a rallying point for helpers, in the mighty name of Jesus

7. Father, please step into my situation and silence the enemy impeding Your progress and destroy the devourer for my sake, in Jesus’ name

8. Father, every evil utterance designed to shorten my life shall backfire now, in the most powerful name of Jesus

Thank You, Jesus, for answered prayers

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