Wisdom For The Day Devotional 2 September 2023 By Bishop Mike Okonkwo – You Will Not Be Disappointed

Wisdom For The Day Devotional 2 September 2023 By Bishop Mike Okonkwo – You Will Not Be Disappointed

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TOPIC: You Will Not Be Disappointed (TREM Devotional 2 September 2023)

“And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” Romans 5:5 (KJV)

Wisdom For The Day MESSAGE:

I don’t know what you are hoping or believing in God for, but one thing I’m sure of is that you will not be disappointed. Do you know why? It is because God loves you. The New Living Translation paints a clearer picture for us. It says “And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.” Oh, I’m so excited! Imagine the kind of love that God has for you. The irrepressible, unconditional, irrevocable, ironclad, blood-bought love that gives you the assurance that your hope in Him will not turn to disappointment. In other words, you can stake your life on it.

The scripture says in Romans 8:32: “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? As He has freely given you all things, how can you be disappointed? In Christ, disappointment is not part of your heritage. All things are yours. Refuse to pay attention to the pictures the enemy is painting. Rather press into praise because you know God loves you, and therefore there is no disappointment for you. This is not the time to talk carelessly or to change your confession. Choose to praise and magnify God because you know that you will not see shame.

The other day, God was speaking to Abraham in Genesis Chapter 17 that He would make him the father of many nations. But Abraham laughed. Why did he laugh? At that moment, he probably considered his age, Sarah’s age, and the deadness of their bodies to reproduce. But thank God the story did not end there. God gave him the name Isaac for their son. What an assurance! This same God will prevail in your life. He will silence the voice of the naysayers. You will not see reproach.


Genesis 17:15-19


Morning – Psalms 137-139; Evening – 1 Corinthians 13

Wisdom For The Day Devotional was Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.

Lord Jesus, come into my life. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I believe in my heart You died and rose from the dead to save me. Thank You Lord for saving me, in Jesus’ name Amen.

If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to trem@trem.org, Phone: +234 1 773 8584

Discover the secret to experiencing exceeding glory with Wisdom For The Day Devotional  2 September 2023 By Bishop Mike Okonkwo. Uncover powerful insights that will empower you to soar beyond your limitations and live the life of your dreams. Let this devotional inspire you to reach for the stars and fulfill your divine destiny. With Bishop Mike Okonkwo's wisdom, you can tap into a higher level of grace and become all that God has called you to be. Get ready to experience exceeding glory in every area of your life with this uplifting devotional

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