Kenneth Copeland Devotional 30 September 2023 – Compassion in Action

Kenneth and Gloria copeland devotional

Kenneth Copeland Devotional 30 September 2023 – Compassion in Action

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Topic: Compassion in Action

But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. – Matthew 9:36

Compassion. That’s the one thing people need more than anything else in this world. They need someone to reach out to them with the compassion of God.

Compassion is a deep yearning that responds to the needs of people. It’s much deeper than sympathy. Sympathy can just sit around feeling sorry for people. Compassion has to do something for them.

Compassion is what motivates God, and Jesus’ life on earth was a picture of that compassion in action. His whole ministry was driven by it. It was compassion that caused Him to multiply the loaves and fishes, heal the sick, cast out demons and raise the dead. It was compassion that compelled Him to go to the Cross. And it’s that same compassion that He now longs to pour out through you.

That’s a staggering thought, isn’t it?

It’s staggering to realize that we believers are the only body Jesus has on this earth now. His healing must flow through our hands and our faith. His compassion must move us to provide for the hungry. It must compel us to cast out demons and set the captives free.

“But, Brother Copeland, I don’t have that kind of compassion!”

Yes, you do. If you have the Spirit of God dwelling inside you, you do—because He is that kind of love! You simply need to activate it.

How? Just like Jesus did when He walked the earth. Through prayer and fellowship with the Father. Look through the Gospels and notice how much time Jesus spent alone with the Father. That time activated the compassion of God within Him. It caused Him to feel what God feels about the suffering of mankind. It stirred Him so much that whenever He encountered a need, He met it by the power of God.

Follow His example. Spend time in fellowship with your Father. Meditate on His compassion until it rises up strong on the inside of you. Stir it up until the desire to see others set free becomes paramount in your thinking.

Jesus has sent you to reach out and touch a love-starved world with His compassion.

If you don’t do it, who will?

Scripture Reading: Mark 6:32-46

This message was written by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, the leader of the Kenneth Copeland Ministries ( that specializes in teaching principles of bible faith – prayer, healing, salvation and other biblical topics.

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