The Daily Fountain Devotional of the Church Of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) 23 September 2023 – All Things To The Glory Of God
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Also Read: Open Heaven 23 September 2023 – Rebuke The Devil
TOPIC: All Things To The Glory Of God
READ: 2 Corinthians 10 (NKJV)
Now I, Paul, myself am pleading with you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ — who in presence [am] lowly among you, but being absent am bold toward you.
But I beg [you] that when I am present I may not be bold with that confidence by which I intend to be bold against some, who think of us as if we walked according to the flesh.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.
For the weapons of our warfare [are] not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,
casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
Do you look at things according to the outward appearance? If anyone is convinced in himself that he is Christ’s, let him again consider this in himself, that just as he [is] Christ’s, even so we [are] Christ’s.
For even if I should boast somewhat more about our authority, which the Lord gave us for edification and not for your destruction, I shall not be ashamed —
lest I seem to terrify you by letters.
“For [his] letters,” they say, “[are] weighty and powerful, but [his] bodily presence [is] weak, and [his] speech contemptible.”
Let such a person consider this, that what we are in word by letters when we are absent, such [we will] also [be] in deed when we are present.
For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
We, however, will not boast beyond measure, but within the limits of the sphere which God appointed us — a sphere which especially includes you.
For we are not overextending ourselves (as though [our authority] did not extend to you), for it was to you that we came with the gospel of Christ;
not boasting of things beyond measure, [that is,] in other men’s labors, but having hope, [that] as your faith is increased, we shall be greatly enlarged by you in our sphere,
to preach the gospel in the [regions] beyond you, [and] not to boast in another man’s sphere of accomplishment.
But “he who glories, let him glory in the LORD.”
For not he who commends himself is approved, but whom the Lord commends.
Once in a while, we can be carried away by vain glory, self-glorification and pride. Mistakenly, we boast in those things which we generally have received from God and which we ought to give willingly with a pure conscience. Such strongholds and imaginations must be pulled down and cast down for the sincere love of God to rule all our actions to His glory and honour. The Corinthian Church may have imagined they were the super-rich Church or may have thought themselves highly in their own eyes. This is wrong. That which we give to God must be done in humility and to glorify God.
“He that glorieth, let him glory in Lord” (verse 17). We must avoid such stances that try to romance our ego or make us unusually important. We must be careful so that nothing beclouds the Gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. Our wealth, affluence, influence, age, and possessions should never stain the prominence of the Gospel. When we have to give anything, it must be done willingly and without grudge. Ultimately, our focus should be on the Gospel. Yet, all things must be done to glorify Him.
PRAYER: Lord give me a heart that is gentle, meek and lowly to preach the Gospel and give to Your work with love, gratitude and meekness.
The Daily Fountain Devotional of the Church Of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) provides daily scriptural readings and reflections to help individuals deepen their relationship with God. This edition for 23 September 2023 focuses on the theme of forgiveness and explores how we can receive and extend forgiveness to others as Christ did for us. Join us in this enriching journey of faith and discover the power of forgiveness in your life.
Openheavens Com NG : Unless you are born again,you can not see the Kingdom of God .Please say the displayed prayer below in faith:
Dear God, I come before you as a sinner, recognizing my need for forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He died on the cross for my sins. I am truly sorry for my actions and the ways I have fallen short. I repent of my sins and ask for your forgiveness. I invite Jesus into my heart and life, to be my Lord and Savior. Please guide and transform me from this day forward. Thank you for your grace and mercy. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
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