Happy New Month! 1 August 2023

Happy new Month Prayer Points August 1st 2023

  • Thank you, Lord, for the gift of life and another day to serve and worship You.
  • I praise You for Your love, grace, and faithfulness that never fails.

  • Grant me wisdom and discernment to make the right decisions in all areas of my life.
  • < li> Help me grow in faith, character, and knowledge of Your Word.

  • Bless and protect my family, strengthening our bond with love and understanding.
  • Heal any broken relationships and bring reconciliation where needed.

  • Grant good health to my body, mind, and spirit. Remove any sickness or affliction.
  • Provide strength and comfort to those struggling with health challenges.

  • Guide me in managing my finances wisely and bless the work of my hands.
  • Supply the needs of those who are struggling financially and seeking Your help.

  • Bring peace to conflict zones and comfort to those affected by violence and disasters.

  • Bless the efforts of organizations working to alleviate poverty and suffering.

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