Kenneth Copeland Devotional 26 June 2023 – Take a Stand Against Strife

Kenneth Copeland Devotional 26 June 2023 – Take a Stand Against Strife

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Kenneth And Gloria copeland family

Topic: Take a Stand Against Strife

The beginning of strife is as when water first trickles [from a crack in a dam]; therefore stop contention before it becomes worse and quarreling breaks out. – Proverbs 17:14, The Amplified Bible

Throughout the Scriptures, God warns us about the danger of strife. Yet, it’s still one of the most common problems among believers. We let it get into our homes, our workplaces, our churches…everywhere!

Of course, we don’t purposely let it in. We don’t wake up in the morning and say, “I think I’m going to stir up some major strife today.” We just inadvertently let it slip up on us one minor irritation at a time.

So, I urge you today to take a big stand against those little opportunities for strife. If you have a tendency to let things irritate you, decide to overcome that tendency. Arm yourself against them with the knowledge that this world isn’t perfect, that there are people in it who aren’t going to be nice to you. There are people who are going to stir you up and annoy you—on purpose or by accident.

Make up your mind that, by the power of God, you’re not going to let them get your peace. That peace is so important to your well-being. It will keep your body healthy. It will keep your relationships healthy. It will put you in a place where God can guide your steps and save you from some very grave mistakes.

If you’ve spent a lifetime getting your feathers ruffled over every little thing, it may take a while for you to break that habit. You may have to work at it a moment at a time. But you can do it.

I know. I had to do that where worrying is concerned. I’d worried for so many years and had come from such a family of worriers that I did it almost without thinking. When I learned worrying was contrary to the Word of God, I had to give it up one minute at a time. With the help of the Holy Spirit, every time a worried thought would come to me, I would overcome it with the Word of God. And I did that until I broke that worrying habit for good.

You can do the same thing with strife. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you start to notice and overcome it one moment at a time. Then, every time you start to get upset about something, rebuke that strife in the Name of Jesus and resist it. Say right out loud, “I am walking in the peace of God today.”

You’ll be surprised how much more wonderful living can be.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:21-26,43-48

This message was written by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, the leader of the Kenneth Copeland Ministries ( that specializes in teaching principles of bible faith – prayer, healing, salvation and other biblical topics.

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