Billy Graham Devotional 24 June 2023 – An Angry World

Billy Graham Devotional 24 June 2023 – An Angry World

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Billy Graham Devotional

Topic: An Angry World

The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. — James 3:17

The world, in the last few years, has reverted to a sort of barbarism. As practical Christianity has declined, rudeness and violence have increased. Neighbors quarrel with neighbors. Fighting is a major problem in our schools and the “gang wars” of the teenagers have come to present a serious menace in our cities. Fathers and mothers wrangle and bicker. Homes are disintegrating. High government officials in Washington engage in name-calling and in heated disputes not at all in keeping with the dignity of their office. Why and how has all this savagery crept into our social life? It is because we have forgotten Jesus’ words, “Happy are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth.” I have seen tough, rough, hardened men open their hearts by faith, receive Christ as Savior, and become gentle, patient, merciful gentlemen.

Prayer for the day:

Fill me with Your mercy and love, Lord. In an angry world let me be used to bring peace where there is strife.

Written by Billy Graham, Founder of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA). BGEA exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by every effective means and to equip the church and others to do the same.

Billy Graham Devotional is a daily devotional written by the renowned evangelist, Billy Graham. This devotional offers inspiring and practical messages that help readers grow in their faith and deepen their relationship with God. With a focus on biblical teachings and personal reflection, Billy Graham Devotional offers insights on topics such as forgiveness, love, prayer, and more. Each day's entry is designed to encourage readers to live out their faith in practical ways and to provide a source of strength and inspiration as they face life's challenges. Whether you're a longtime Christian or new to the faith, Billy Graham Devotional can help you grow in your spiritual journey.


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