Outline For Family Prayer Point

Here are some prayer points for your family:

Pray for the safety and protection of your family members from harm, illness, and danger.

Ask for guidance, wisdom, and strength for each family member to face challenges and make good choices.

Pray for the strengthening of family bonds and relationships, and for forgiveness and reconciliation in any areas of conflict or division.

Ask for God's blessings on your family's health, finances, and daily needs.

Pray for the spiritual growth and well-being of each family member, and for God's grace and mercy to cover any areas of weakness or struggle.

Ask for God's guidance in the important decisions and transitions that your family may face, such as job changes, moves, or major life events.

Pray for your family's happiness and joy, and for the ability to cherish and appreciate one another.

Remember, prayer is a personal and individual practice, and the most effective prayer points will depend on your own beliefs and intentions. These suggestions are offered as a starting point for your own personal reflection and prayer.

Author: Uwem Dickson 

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