1. O Sunday School, on the Lord’s day,

O how I love Thee well,

I am happy, it makes me glad

To rejoice at Thy birth.

2. O Sunday School, on the Lord’s day,

Thy friend friendship suits me well,

Both young and will sing Thy song,

We long for Sunday School.

3. O Sunday School, on the Lord’s day,

Christ was Thy first teacher,

The Holy Spirit, great teacher,

Does manifest in thee.

4. O Sunday School, on the Lord’s day,

This testimony is sure,

That God, the Father Almighty,

Poured His blessing on Thee

5. O Sunday School, on the Lord’s day,

Though the sun be so bright,

Or if the clouds be black with rain,

I’ll be in Sunday School.

6. O Sunday School, on the Lord’s day,

I rejoice to see Thee,

Will thou pass over me today?

Without my being blest?


Adults devotional: Open Heaven 16 October 2022

Powerful Declarations: Powerful Declarations For Today 16 October 2022

Today’s Prayer Points: Prayer Points For Open Heavens 16 October 2022

Teens Devotional: Open Heavens For Teens 16 October 2022


OPENING PRAYER: Father, help me to understand the Dominion You gave man from the beginning

MEMORY VERSE: “Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm”. – Daniel 6:3


26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

INTRODUCTION: The word Dominion means “rule or power over” God has sovereign power over his creation and has also delegated the authority to mankind to have dominion over the works of his hands (Genesis 1:26 psalm 8:6). However, some Christians are passive and do not see that God wants the church to take charge of and revamp their societies. Instead, they only see the command for believers to preach the gospel as in *Matthew 28:19-20* and wait for God to implement social reforms Himself

TEACHING REVIEW: Genesis 1:26-28

i. At creation God made man in his own image, after his likeness and gave man Dominion over all His creations…………..V26.

ii. So………….V27.

iii. And God bless them and said

a. ……………….

b. ……………….

c. ……………….

d. ……………….

e. And have Dominion over………V28.





A. Teacher should explain the meaning of Dominion theology as follows:

i. Dominion theology refers to a line of thought with regard to the role of the church in contemporary society;

ii. it holds that biblical Christians should rule all areas of society personal and corporate by the law of God.

iii. This belief is based on *Genesis 1:28,* which says, “be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the Earth, and subdue it: and have Dominion…..”.

iv. Genesis 1:28 is a divine mandate to claim Dominion over the earth, physically, spiritually, economically, politically, etc (Luke 19:13).

B. This theological idea about Christian having political Dominion has his root in:

a. The nature of God and reality

b.The importance of Justice

c. The value of freedom

d. A rich understanding of the human person has created in the image of God (Psalm 82:6; John 10:34),

e. The fact that Christians are made for flourishing (Ps. 92:12-13),

f. We are called to an eternal destiny (Romans 8:30).

CLASS ACTIVITY 1: Student should discuss why some believers do not take the lead.


A. The teacher should establish the history of Political docility in the church:

i. The political docility of Christians of the earthly church could be traced to the fact that Israel and some gentile Nations were under the colonial rule of the Roman empire and Christians were thought to be in subjection to the authorities that be (Romans 13:1): at best, they were to pray for those in power and could not participate in the politics of their time (1Timothy 2:1-2).

ii. This might have been responsible for Christians hesitance to be actively involved in the politics of our day whereas, the God we believe and serve is interested in the way the world is governed Genesis 1:28

iii. Satan Stole the “key of Dominion” when he deceived Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:1-7).

iv. When Christ gave the keys of the Kingdom to Peter in *Matthew 16:19* it was a sign that Dominion had been returned to man.

v. Now it is our job to “take back” what is rightfully ours.

vi. Political Dominion is a must for Christian, not an option because the Earth is our place of Dominion, not heaven (Ps. 115:16).

vii. Christians have to occupy strategic political positions in order to be at the helm of affairs for positive influence.

B. The Teacher should explain believer’s right dispostion to political Dominion as follows:

i. While it is true that we belong to a heavenly Kingdom that is not of this world, we are still numbered among the people in this world and are subjected to the rules and system of its government (John 17:15-16).

ii. We indeed seek another home, (Hebrews 11:10, 14;13:14) but that should not be an excuse to be nonchalant about our present abode and refused to take responsibility for its governance (psalm 115:16).

iii. It is also true that the world is passing away (1 Corinthians 7:31) but we should not forget that we will also give an account of how it is managed before it passes away (1John 2:17).

C. It should therefore be of concern to Christians:

i. To be a part of ‘high-level’ decision-making processes to ensure that Justice is done.

ii. Biblical principles are upheld and the Christian Faith survives and is preserved (Psalm 33:5 Micah 6:8).

As the salt and light of the world (Matthew 5:13-16), when we engage ourself in politics and government, we speak out for those who cannot speak and defend the rights of the poor and needy (Proverbs 31:8-9).

CLASS ACTIVITY 2: Student should identify areas where they want to make changes if they what to make changes if they had the privilege of being in power.

CONCLUSION: All Christian are political, whether we realise it or not. If we choose not to engage in politics, it is a vote for the status quo-the way things are.

CLOSING PRAYER: Father, I receive the grace to exercise all-round Dominion.

ASSIGNMENT: Student should list five (5) reasons some Christians are afraid of being involved in politics. (2×5=10marks).

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